Bible Walkthrough - July  2024

July 1  Psalm  109 - 111

July 2 Psalm  112 - 114

July 3 Psalm  115 - 118                    

July 4  Psalm  119

July5  Psalm  120 - 123 

July 6  Psalm  124 - 126

July 7  Psalm  127 - 129              

July 8  Psalm  130 - 132

July 9  Psalm  133 - 135             

July 10  Psalm 136 - 138


July 11  Psalm  139 - 141

July 12  Psalm 142 - 144   

July 13 Psalm  145 - 147

July 14  Psalm   148 - 150

July 15  Proverb  1 - 3               

July 16  Proverbs  4 - 7

July 17  Proverbs  8 - 11                 

July 18  Proverbs  12 - 14

July 19  Proverbs  15 - 18                

July 20 Proverbs  19 - 21


July 21  Proverbs  22 - 24

July  22  Proverbs  25 - 28         

July  23  Proverbs  29 - 31         

July 24   Ecclesiastes  1 - 3

July 25  Ecclesiastes 4 - 6             

July 26  Ecclesiates  7 - 9

July 27  Ecclesiastes  10 - 12                  

July 28  Songs  1 - 4

July 29  Songs  5 - 8

July 30  Isaiah  1 - 3

July 31  Isaiah  4 - 6

Pastor's Pen

.....From Home Page


What manner of live should we live in the course of our life? What was in the life of the biblical characters we examine?

  1. Joseph eschewed bitterness. 
    1. He had every reason to be bitter with His brothers, but he saw the hand of God in his checkered life. 
    2. Your enemies are not worth the expenditures of hatred and bitterness. 
    3. These vices are expensive. They may set you against God and open the door for the devil.
  2. Joseph walked in the fear of God – Genesis 39:6 - 9
    1. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. 
    2. The fear of God will keep you from sinning (Exodus 20:20).
    3. When you walk in the fear of God, you enter into amazing generational blessings (Psalm 112:1 – 3)
  3. Desist from Dwelling on Your Rejection – Judges 11:5
    1. The bible says clearly that there are times and seasons for everything. 

Ecclesiastes 3:5; “a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.”

  1. Seek a new frontier. 

Jephthah went to Tob. He sought a new field to exploit for his development.

We can’t keep mourning the untoward behavior of people toward us. The world is on the move; we can’t remain stagnant.

  1. Persistence brings change – 1 Samuel 1:7

The fact that change is delayed doesn’t mean we should quit.


Hannah kept going to Shiloh. She knew that one day she will meet with God and God will meet with her.


Some people change church because they have delayed answer thinking that the anointing on their pastor is not strong enough for their problem. There’s so much church migration that has led to people missing their appointed place for their miracle. 




Imagine if the man at the Bethesda left before Jesus came. He would die paralytic.


Many of the God told me to move are actually the flesh and desires being fulfilled.


If Abraham went to another mountain in Moriah, He would have killed Isaac for fun because the ram of replacement was not tied there.

  1. God works by covenants – Judges 11:30 – 31, 34,39; 1 Samuel 1:11, 27 – 28

Covenants are binding agreements always sealed by faith of both parties and by instruments.

God does not break covenant and we must not (Psalm 105:6 – 9; 89:34 – 35; Ecclesiastes 5:4 – 6).

If you make a covenant with someone, you must not break it. It has a way of fighting back.


God doesn’t need anything from you; He only needed your commitment.


Sing: “you are not a God in need of anything we can give….”


There are things you will not get from God except you make a covenant with Him. Why? He needs those who will stand for Him on the earth. 


Every known success in the world is backed by a power. Either of darkness or of light. You will be wise to wait for your light your light to shine than to walk in darkness.


Listen the devil was highly audacious, he told Jesus to worship him for the glory of this world. The devil telling the Creator of all the glories of the world to worship him for what he created.


Remember, the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (psalm 24:1)

  1. David had heart after God – 1 Samuel 13:14

God is looking for vessels to carry out His will on the earth. Not a perfect vessel but a willing and obedient vessel.

  1. David was a man of prayer and praise – Psalm 61:1 – 3

Praise God for how far He has led and helped you and keep praying for what He promised and your desires.


One day, the time and hour to tell your story will come!


.. "acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness"                                                       (Titus 1:1)

Contact Us


786 261 4788

Zoom:10.00am - 12noon


Meeting ID: 

926 0038 6311



Worship Hours



Sunday School:

9.00 am

Worship Service: 10.00 a.m



5-30 p.m



Prayer Meeting:

Instant Hour

5.30 p.m

Opposite Segelu Hotel

New Ife Road, Ibadan


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Account Name:

Godly Faith World Evangelistic Ministry

Bank: Zenith Bank


Building Project

God is working through us in building an 800 seating auditorium. 

Prayerfully sow a seed into the work.

Account Name: 

Godly Faith World Evangelistic Ministry Project

Account Number:


Bank: Zenith Bank


The good Lord will multiply your seed sown In Jesus Name.


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